
.... from a small rural school in Elbert, Colorado.

A good teacher is surrounded by MANY great teachers! Thank you to the great teachers at my school and out in blogland!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Move It - To Learn It" WORD WORK stations

My newly updated WORD WORK stations (click here) are ready.  I am very excited about being able to print them and post them in a couple of weeks as I prepare my new room.  I am offering them FREE for a limited time, since I haven't worked out all of the bugs yet.  Please feel free to download and let me know what you think.  I used my older version in my classroom last year and the kids loved the choices.  This year I will even have more choices throughout the year to get the students motivated as they get up and moving to learn. 

These are just 24 of the 35 different station cards. Many ideas on how to use them is included.  I've also included the templates for 4 different books.

If this is something that would work for you, please let me know if you would like me to add a different station card that fits your classroom.

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